Makers’ Acebook Project — JIMJI

Matthew Lock
3 min readAug 9, 2020


India Rex, Josh Ng, james A forster, Iryna Audzei, Makers

Sprint 4

This is a continuation from our previous blog posts on our week 8/9 group project. In this project, we were tasked with recreating our own version of Facebook (aptly named, Acebook).

Roles for the current sprint:
James— Leader + Helper
Josh — Scrum Master
Iryna— Challenger
India — Technician
Matthew — Scribe.

Sprint Zoom theme….. Animals!

Photo by Sid Balachandran on Unsplash

Kicking off each sprint with a mood check in & planning session allows us to get into the right frame of mind by understanding how everyone is doing and making sure we’re considerate of all our team members.
Planning consisted of what we had achieved in our last 2 sprints and what we could realistically get done in the next 2 days.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

For this sprint, James and I would work closely together as he was working more on the main wall page where the user posts would be displayed and I would work on joining the tables together in database to show the relevant messages.

Josh and Iryna would work together to tackle accessibility which was new for the week set out by the course to get us to think about how we could ensure our application to work across multiple platforms and browsers.

India would focus on learning and implementing bootstrap to improve the visuals of our application.

The session in general was fruitful however joining the tables together was a major source of frustration and we found ourselves needing a coach’s assistance.

Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

At the end of this sprint, we had a retro to reflect on the progress we have made so far along with a plan to tackle the next sprint session.

What went well?

  • Splitting the work evenly
  • Effective branching and merging, going through the code together each day so everyone is up to date on where the project is
  • Connecting the database tables together

What hasn’t gone so well?

  • Driving the project using an effective TDD process
  • General understanding of rails
  • The speed of joining database tables

What are the next things we want to work on and who wants to work on what?

  • Making the pages look better with bootstrap
  • Creating additional tables along with connecting with friends

Does everyone feel happy working in the team? If not, how can we make it better?

  • Yes, people are feeling more upbeat as we have had a couple of productive days following on from a difficult first week.
  • Makers

